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AVATAR descussion

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AVATAR descussion Empty AVATAR descussion

Post  Clown Ash Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:17 am

Howd u guys like avatar then ??

I just wanna know if u liked it and what u would ggive it out of 10. I give ti 10/10 coz i liked the CGI and the facial expressions were spot on. The story was good(Kinda predictable but kinda cool).And i loved the idea of having your own avatar, and if u get shot, u get hurt in real life too. And also that the animals have tenicals to make "the bond" with the navi and the animal . This means you could chose any animal you want. A crawling, swimming, flying, etc.

Anyway i want ure guys opinions, and also would u rather be the navi, or us marine.

Explain why

Clown Ash
Clown Ash

Posts : 56
Join date : 2009-11-23
Age : 29
Location : Hastings

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AVATAR descussion Empty i agreee

Post  lycanx23 Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:12 am

yeh i agree 10/10 it was a brilliant film i also liked the cgi and the fact the navi arent exactly in control of everything i n thier world

id rather be the navi because they are just so cool conecting to all sorts of animals with just thier amazing you would be feeling amazing.

Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-11-24

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